Chuo Senko (Thailand) Public Co., Ltd., maintains high levels of professional excellence as well as good corporate governance.

With this belief, the ISO 14001, an International Standard of Environmental Management System (EMS) signifies the company's control of activities to minimize negative impacts on the environment as well as a continuation of constant improvement.

Chuo Senko upholds the following policies:
1. The control and prevention of activities, products, and services that will have a negative impact on the environment
2. The management and economization of office resources; paper, water, electricity, etc.
3. The compliance of environmental laws, legislations, and other regulations.
4. The instilling of environment awareness and participation within employees.
It is management's responsibility in supporting the above policies and
these policies will be acknowledged by employees and relevant persons
in their communication to the community.
ISO 14001 is an emerging series of generic environmental
standards being developed by the ISO organization.

The objective of these standards is to give top management a framework for managing environmental impacts. The standards feature a wide variety of environmental disciplines, namely the Environmental Management Systems (EMS), an environmental program, planned by the company as the cornerstone of any company's registration plan for ISO 14001.

Accordingly, the company has set up 3R Activation to complement the ISO 14001 implementation.

Reduction of Paper Usage
In order to control and economize on paper usage in the office, each department has set goals to reduce their usage of paper by re-using two-sided papers.
Reduction of Water Usage
The company emphasizes controlling of water leagage in rest rooms and the maintenance of cleanliness in office pantries.
Reduction of Electrical Usage
Electricity is one of the main objectives in complying with environmental policies. The activities that help safeguard this objective are closing computer screens and lights during breaks and other non-work related periods.
With an awareness of the evergrowing problems in today's environment, Chuo Senko has taken charge of controlling its operations in an effort to "self-regulate" and "self-operate" so that it adheres to the effectiveness of its policies.
It is apparent that environmental management systems affect the bottom line in today's professional world. By adhering to these systems, the company will fulfill its legal requirements, achieve internal improvements, reduce multiple assessments, benefit the overall industry, and above all, ensure that the company commits to protecting the environment.